Spring is here!
Welcome to the April Instructor Newsletter. Here’s some important information for
everyone. Questions? Contact Gail at gail@coastalcpr.com or Rick at
Roster information
As we resume teaching classes again I thought I’d share some tips on what is needed on a roster.
- Instructor name, instructor number, and instructor card renewal date. If you don’t
know your instructor number it is located in the Instructor Network. Log in and on the dashboard you’ll see your name and instructor number on the left side of the window under the menu bar. - Our Training Center name and number. We’re Coastal CPR and First Aid, NH
20943. - If you belong to a Training Site, please fill that information in.
- Course location.
- Course date/time start and finish, number of hours, number of participants,
student/manikin ratio. - Student name, email and cell phone number.
You do not need to fill in the Training Center address. You do not need to fill in your students mailing addresses – the eCards are emailed to them so we do not need a mailing address. If they do not wish to give a cell phone number please leave it blank. Please do not use a work number or work address. That is only needed if they are claiming their eCards by text.
Last reminder – please submit rosters within 5 days of teaching a class. If you need to
delay please let Rick or I know.
New Training Center Software
I am setting up new software to help organize the Training Center. This will allow us to
input rosters, order eCards, maintain instructor records, and provide a secure site for
instructor support. In addition you will be able to create registration links so that you can set up free registration for your students to register for your classes.
Over the next few weeks you will receive an email to register on the site. I am entering
everyone using your first initial, a period, and your last name as your username. So for
example mine will be g.klanchesser. I will set a default password that you will need to
change – that will be sent in a separate email. It will take me several weeks to get all of
this set up, but going forward it will streamline a lot of things.
Another reason I’m setting this up is the forms we are using to submit rosters, pay for
eCards, and the annual fee will no longer be supported. All of this will be set up through CPR Enroll.
So…. once you receive your login information you will have 2 steps to submit your rosters:
- Email the roster to Gail
- log into CPR Enroll to pay for the eCards.
Eventually it will all be in CPR Enroll. If you prefer to mail your rosters and a check you
may do so, it will just take longer for us to issue the eCards.
Heartsaver 2020… it’s a LOT different than the previous versions.
Heartsaver 2020 was released at the end of February. If you have taken the product and course orientation for it – well, it does not really prepare you for how different the new course is.
The course is shorter. They pared down the drawn out acting scenes. There is 1 narrator for both and they recycled a lot of video clips and made slides from the previous videos. A lot of bullet point type of slides.
It’s available in 3 versions – DVD, Streaming Video (you can download for offline use on
up to 5 devices), and USB. I purchased the USB, had some navigation issues and bought the DVD – and discovered it is set up exactly the same.
The AHA has set up pathways – each path covers different topics. It does not auto play,
you must click to play the next topic. Some topics then open up to sub menus of more
topics. I am buying more batteries for my remote and my computer mouse.
These pathways include Heartsaver – I think it should be called ‘Heartsaver Lite’ as it does not cover all topics, Heartsaver Total, Heartsaver Office, and Heartsaver Educator. There are additional pathway agendas in the Instructor Network.
For Heartsaver CPR AED – If you are covering Adult/Child/Infant just select ‘All Topics’. If you select anything else you have to click on optional topics to cover child and infant and it will save you some mouse/remote clicking.
For Heartsaver First Aid – In your Heartsaver Instructor Manual there is a chart and
multiple agendas on which pathways cover which topics. It’s a bit overwhelming at first
glance. Safest bet is to again use ‘All Topics’. If you have someone needing the class for
a Coast Guard License or for an OSHA workplace requirement the other options won’t
cover all the topics they need.
The video segments are shorter and more focused, but it’s a bit more work to run the
video for the course and a bit more of a technology learning curve.
If you teach Heartsaver you must switch over to the new materials before June 1, 2021.
Instructor courses!
We are holding BLS Instructor courses monthly and beginning in May will begin offering Heartsaver Instructor courses.
Want to learn more about offering blended learning classes?
Please join the AHA for the AHA Take Your Training to the Next Level – AHA Blended &
eLearning Webinar
Date and Time: Thursday, April 29, 2021 11:00 am, Central Time
Event number: 131 381 0730
Event password: WKvGdyAP836
Event address for attendees: https://heart.webex.com/heart/onstage/g.php?
What is a good way for us to communicate regularly?
I am planning on monthly newsletters, but completely dropped the ball last month.
Other than email what is a good method for us to share information or support
everyone? If you are on Facebook I have set up a private group for our instructors: