June Training Center Faculty and Training Site Newsletter

AHA product price increases as of July 1st (next Friday!)

On July 1st the AHA will be instituting a price increase.  BLS eCards will go up slightly in price.  We have decided to NOT increase the cost of our BLS eCards.  However, I am planning on purchasing as many BLS eCards as I can before the price goes up on July 1st.  To help us, please look at your BLS training over the summer and if possible, order your BLS eCards before July 1st.

Quick summary of the increases:

  • Family & Friends booklets from $1.85 to $2.25 per booklet
  • Heartsaver books increasing from $2.50 to $2.75 per book
  • Heartsaver BBP books increasing from $7.50 to $8.25 per book
  • Heartsaver DVD/USB from $180 to $195
  • Heartsaver Instructor manual from $59.50 to $65.00
  • Heartsaver Pediatric instructor manual from $33 to $35.50
  • Heartsaver Pediatric DVD/USB from $108 to $117
  • BLS Provider (student) manual from $16 to $17.50
  • BLS Provider eBook from $14 to $15
  • BLS Instructor manual from $42.50 to $46
  • BLS DVD from $92.50 to $100.
  • BLS eCard from $2.60 to $2.95

All instructor essentials online courses are going up as well. Most other digital products will remain the same price.  While Heartsaver eCards are not increasing in cost, their paper counterparts are.  We don’t issue a lot of paper Heartsaver cards so we do not have any on hand.  If you anticipate you’ll need paper Heartsaver cards – First Aid CPR AED and K-12 – please let me know ASAP so we can order them before the price goes up.

You can view the full list of product prices here:  https://www.worldpoint.com/media/wysiwyg/documents/2022_July1-AHA-Price-List-Domestic-WP.pdf?mc_cid=a9c4d95f2d&mc_eid=355996f50a

Again, if you can purchase BLS eCards on or before 6/29 I will be placing 2 large orders next week before the price increases on Friday.

Why we charge more than the AHA for eCards is a question you might be asking.  The additional amount covers the processing charge for online eCard purchases you make, and it covers the administrative time to order and transfer the eCards to you as well as helps cover Training Center expenses.  For BLS eCards purchased by TS after 7/1 that additional amount is only $1.05.

Upcoming webinars

Tips for increasing engagement of the AHA Missions and Impacting your Neighborhood, Community and Region

• Wed., June 29
• 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time
• Event URL to register
• Event number: 878 6085 3306
• Password: 304525

eCard Introductory Webinar

• Wed., July 13
• 1:00 p.m., Central Time
• Event URL
• Event number:
• Passcode: MmR9PfZ3Mm5

Previously recorded AHA webinars

The AHA has been holding webinars for Training Centers. A lot of what is covered is applicable to Training Sites, so I am forwarding the links to these recordings.  Several of these have Q&A documents.  If you would like them, please email me and I will forward them to you.  I don’t want to send out a ton of attachments if you don’t want to receive them.


Topic: BLS Instructor Led Skills Best Practices

Start Time: May 19, 2022

Meeting Recording:


Access Passcode: nKki+5H*


Topic: Title: Accelerate and Elevate Bootcamp – Best Practices for Training Center Coordinators

Start Time: Apr 6, 2022

Meeting Recording:


Access Passcode: *6AJhe%Y


Are you receiving the ECC Beat? 

If you are not, please let me know and I will forward them to you.  Please check your settings in the IN – they should be set to receive all communication so that you receive them.

Paperwork information

Are you uploading or submitting your rosters?  TS should upload their rosters monthly or as needed.  The TC must keep a copy of ALL rosters for 3 years.  So even though you are issuing eCards, we are still required to have a copy of all rosters.  I am missing rosters from a few of you.  If you are having difficulty with CPR Enroll please let me know and I will set up a Dropbox link for you, which will allow you to bulk upload rosters more easily.

eCard information

All Training Sites have been set up as eCard locations.  TCF have the option to issue their own eCards as well.  Here’s our criteria and rationale for who can issue eCards.  It is up to each TSC if they wish to issue eCards for their instructors or allow them the privilege.

Who is currently issuing eCards:

  • Currently only the TC is issuing eCards for instructors. They pay full price for their eCards.
  • Training Sites are set up as eCard locations to issue their own eCards. They pay a discounted rate for their eCards.
  • Instructors who teach frequently and have been turning in rosters on time and correctly have been set up to issue their own eCards.
  • eCard costs are rounded up to an even dollar amount to cover processing charges and the time for TC staff to check rosters and issue eCards. Since TS’s issue their own, they are responsible for checking rosters and issuing, so the TC does not have to do so.
  • If you upcharge your instructors for eCards please notify us what your eCard prices are.

TCF Updates

All Training Site Coordinators are designated as Training Center Faculty.  As TCF you can teach instructor courses.  You may also be asked to help with monitoring instructors (this is compensated), instructor updates, and support/mentor for new instructors.

If you would like to teach an instructor course, please let me know. I have a training document on how to do this.

We are required to have 1 TCF for every 8-12 instructors.  If your Training Site has grown to 10 instructors or more, you will need to contact us to designate one of your instructors to be TCF to support you.  Criteria to become TCF is to be proficient in your provider skills, be an experienced instructor (taught 10+ classes or more, and/or more than 1-2 years experience), desire to teach and support other instructors, and willing to support and assist with the goals and tasks of the Training Site or Training Center.


Instructor Updates

I am looking for help to hold monthly or bi-monthly instructor updates.


Have questions?  Let us know!

Thank you so much for all that you do!

Take care,

Gail Klanchesser & Rick Murphy

Coastal CPR & First Aid, LLC


June 2022 Training Center Faculty and Training Site Newsletter
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