September Instructor Newsletter

Fall is coming!  It certainly does not feel like summer this Labor Day weekend.  My apologies for not sending out a newsletter over the summer.  Things just got a bit busy, and I spent more time offline.

Welcome new instructors!  We’ve held several instructor courses so far this year and have trained 12 new BLS instructors.  We’ve also had 4 instructors transfer into our Training Center.  Our Training Center is slowly growing and we’re happy to support these new instructors!

We are holding a BLS Instructor course every month and this fall will be holding 3 Heartsaver Instructor Courses.  If you know anyone who is interested in becoming an instructor have them check out the information on the website.

BLS Instructor course info is here:

Heartsaver Instructor course info is here:

How to submit course rosters

This past Spring, I switched to a more simplified and streamlined system for submitting rosters and eCard payments.  I’m not sure if everyone got the newsletter on it as a few rosters this summer were submitted under the old system.  I no longer have access to anything submitted under the old system, and unfortunately it will not give you an error message if you try to use it. ☹

To submit rosters:

  • Go to
  • Log in. Your login is the email address you entered into the AHA Instructor Network.  If you are logging in for the first time do a password reset to set your password.
  • On the left menu click on ‘Paperwork’, and then click on the submenu item “paperwork”.
  • Click on green Submit Paperwork button.
  • Pick your course from the drop down, enter the date and times of your class.
  • Upload your roster.
  • Click submit. That’s it!  No more entering students or trying to sign on your computer screen.

To submit your eCard payment:

  • While still in CPR Enroll, on the left menu click on ‘Group Products’, then “place order”.
  • Order your eCards on the next screen.
  • You now have the option to save your credit card on file. You must check the box for it to do so, it will not be automatic.

Newly updated AHA Instructor Network website

The AHA has updated the Instructor Network.  Things are not where they were before and a few of their links will take you out of the passworded Instructor Network site and to a public site, like  If you have trouble finding something on the site let me know.  It has glitches and I’ve reported a few of them to our AHA account rep.  The new Heartsaver roster is buried down the Heartsaver page under the Skills Checklists section.  If you need the USCG Approval Certificate keep scrolling waaayyyy down to Miscellaneous.

How students claim their eCards

We typically issue eCards to your students within a day or two after you submit the roster.  Not all students claim their eCards after a class.  Attached to this email is a handout you can give your students on how to claim their eCard.  This is also linked at

Blended Learning webinars

The AHA is holding Blended Learning webinars monthly.  With blended learning your course participants take an online course ahead of time and then you provide a shorter hands-on skills session.  Use the below link to register if you are interested in attending the webinar.

Please join us for the AHA Take Your Training to the Next Level – AHA Blended & eLearning Webinar

Date and Time: Thursday, September 23, 2021 11:00 am, Central

Event number: 131 723 8902
Event address for attendees:

I am using the AHA’s Training Central website to issue and track course links for my course participants.  If you would like to learn more about Training Central, please contact me.  It’s free to set up.

Providing safe classes during the Pandemic

We are still in a pandemic and should still be following AHA recommendations for safely providing courses.   I have posted the AHA recommendations on the website – – you can find them on the right side of the page under Health and Safety Updates.

To summarize the recommendations:

  • Students can simulate giving breaths.
  • If a student breathes into a manikin, it should be cleaned (face cleaned or replaced, fresh lung) before the next student uses it
  • Students can wear gloves in class.
  • Physically separate manikins by 3’ (or more if space allows) and reduce the student to manikin ratio if possible.

If you have students simulating breaths, please still have them practice the head tilt/chin lift and placing a pocket mask on correctly.  Do not completely skip breaths in your courses.  Giving breaths is still part of the Guidelines and all AHA card-certifying courses.

In my classes I have the students simulate giving breaths and have moved the physical breathing practice to the end of the Adult CPR portion of the course so that I don’t have to take up too much time cleaning the manikins between students.

Virtual or Remote Instruction

The AHA released updated guidance on virtual instruction last month.  If you are currently, or want to provide, training virtually please contact me.

Do you want to teach more classes?

I am looking at expanding the number of classes taught at the Training Center classroom in Hampton.  I also occasionally receive requests to provide outside classes and can’t fit them into my schedule, or it’s a large group and we’d need 2-3 instructors.

I’m making a list of who would like to teach at the Training Center or would like to be contacted for outside classes.  If you’d like to be on these lists, please let me know.

If you have any questions please let us know!



September 2021 Instructor Newsletter

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