April Instructor Newsletter
April is National Volunteer Month! Do you volunteer? I’m sure we all do in many different capacities. Thank you for all that you do!
Lots of stuff coming up!!!
SAVE THE DATE! We have scheduled a new product demo at the Training Center on Wednesday May 25th from 4-5 pm with WorldPoint! This is both an in-person and Zoom event.
In-person will be at the Training Center, 861 Lafayette Rd #7 in Hampton, NH. I will be posting a Zoom link in the May newsletter for those who would like to attend remotely.
WorldPoint has come out with their own line of manikins… CPR Taylor and Baby Tyler. They have Bluetooth monitors for CPR Feedback and CPR Taylor can be adjusted for adult/child and has different torso skins for male/female. The price point is about the same as the Prestan manikins. However, they are smaller and lighter. I have only seen an online video, but I’m intrigued!
You can view their manikins here: https://vimeo.com/showcase/9165522 password is WPP
WorldPoint will be raffling off a CPR Taylor, Baby Tyler set, have swag, and are bringing food.
This is a drop in event, but they are asking for RSVP’s so they know how much stuff to bring.
Please RSVP here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/Q7SFWXD
While they haven’t mentioned it, I am sure there is a minimum number of participants they would like to see coming to make the drive here. Please RSVP by Tuesday May 17th.
Previously recorded AHA webinars
Topic: Maternal Cardiac Arrest
Date: Mar 24, 2022
Meeting Recording:
Access Passcode: g$$rZ0FE
Upcoming AHA webinars
100% Virtual Training with Heartsaver Webinar
- Wed. April 27
- 12:00 p.m. Central Time
- Register Here
- Meeting ID: 891 2628 5378
- Passcode: 443195
AHA Take Your Training to the Next Level – AHA Blended & eLearning Webinar
- Thurs. April 28
- 11:00 a.m. Central Time
- Passcode: QhQYDFF33W7
- Event URL for attendees
When: May 19, 2022 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: BLS Instructor Led Skills Best Practices
Register in advance for this webinar:
https://heart.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_jShF8KutSjmGtu_kkFYJPg (US West) (US East)
Meeting ID: 859 9106 2828
Passcode: 002169
Passcode: 002169
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Return of AHA Newsletters
The AHA has resumed sending out the ECC Beat and I’ve received a new AHA Health and Safety Newsletter. I will be forwarding these to everyone as I receive them. If you prefer to not receive them, or if you are already receiving them, let me know so I won’t be sending you extra email you don’t want.
Training supply discounts
Have you set up a WorldPoint account linked to our Training Center account? By doing so we can all share the Training Center discount and over time our discount will increase.
Paperwork information
I know quite a few of you took a break from training for a while. As we all get back into teaching again I’d like to remind you that with the new guidelines there are updated roster forms on the Instructor Network. Please use those new rosters.
A few important things about your rosters…
- Make sure the Training Center is Coastal CPR & First Aid. TC # is NH20943
- For Heartsaver courses the new roster has 3 pages and you must complete all 3 pages. Please check off the modules you complete. If you do not I will have to call or email you to find out what you covered so that your students eCards are correct.
Instructor Updates
Beginning in June we’ll be holding monthly or bi-monthly instructor updates. These will be in-person and on Zoom. I’m looking for a list of topics instructors would like updates or help with. This could include, but is not limited to: how to renew your instructor card, AHA Training Central, using blended learning, what is required for virtual classes, what Training Center Faculty do, how to set up a Training Site, using CPR Enroll to submit paperwork, issuing eCards, going paperless in your classes, and more. What would you have questions about or need help with?
Have questions? Let us know!
Thank you so much for all that you do!
Take care,
Gail Klanchesser & Rick Murphy
Coastal CPR & First Aid, LLC