June Instructor Newsletter

June is National Safety Month!  It’s also Men’s Health Month and Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month.  June started with National CPR and AED Awareness Week and ends with Lightening Safety Awareness week.

Congratulations to Jaime Corwin for winning the WorldPoint CPR Taylor & Baby Tyler Raffle!  WorldPoint will be mailing her a set of new manikins!


June Instructor Update

On Tuesday June 14th we’ll be live at 6 pm EDT for a Heartsaver Update!  Do you teach Heartsaver? Have you found all the options and pathways confusing? Has the new 3-page roster been a headache?  We’ll go over Heartsaver in a 1-hour in-person and Zoom session.


Would you like to offer Babysitting classes?

I’m researching switching up the babysitting program I’ve been teaching.  I’m looking into the Safe Sitter program and the costs are more reasonable if I do a group instructor purchase.  If you are interested in teaching babysitting please let me know!


Previously recorded AHA webinars

5/19/22 Topic: BLS Instructor Led Skills Best Practices

There is a slideshow and spreadsheet of Q&A.  Please let me know if you’d like me to email those to you.

Meeting Recording:


Access Passcode: nKki+5H*


Upcoming AHA webinars

When: Jun 29, 2022 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Tips for increasing engagement of the American Heart Association Missions and Impacting your Neighborhood, Community and Region

Register in advance for this webinar / click the link below:


Meeting ID: 878 6085 3306

Passcode: 304525

SIP: 87860853306@zoomcrc.com

Passcode: 304525


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.


We’re hiring!

The requests for classes – both open enrollment and on location have been steadily growing.  I have been teaching most of these classes, but it is slowly becoming more than I can do, I’d like to be able to share these opportunities with you!  If you would like to teach either at the Training Center or travel to teach for the Training Center please let me know.  While most of these classes are on the Seacoast, I have received requests in the past to teach all over New England.


Have questions?  Let us know!

Thank you so much for all that you do!


Take care,

Gail Klanchesser

Coastal CPR & First Aid, LLC


June 2022 Instructor Newsletter
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