December Training Site Newsletter

This year has gone by so fast!  I appreciate everything you are doing to maintain and grow your Training Sites.  If there is anything we can do to support you please let us know!

Training Site charges and fees are changing for 2023.

As we’ve grown, we’ve been re-evaluating how and what we charge instructors and Training Sites.   The annual fee will be discontinued at the end of this year.  Instead, we will be charging just 1 fee when instructors renew, join, transfer, or secondary align.  These fees cover the cost of admin time to manage paperwork.  There is additional paperwork and coordination with another Training Center when instructors transfer in which has been pretty time consuming on our end.  These fees are lower than Training Center fees as you will providing all course monitoring for your instructors.

  • BLS & Heartsaver K-12 eCards $4/ea.
  • Heartsaver eCards $19/ea.
  • New or renewing Training Site instructors – $25 when they join (take instructor course from you) and when they renew 2 years later.
  • Instructors transferring into a Training Site – one-time charge of $35. No other charges or fees until they renew 2 years later.
  • Instructors joining your Training Site as a secondary alignment – $20 when they join and when they renew 2 years later.

New and renewing instructor paperwork

When instructors join your Training Site there are forms that we need to receive from you.  These include:

  • Instructor application form
  • Training Center contract
  • Instructor monitor form

When instructors transfer into your Training Site we need still need the above forms, but also an Instructor Transfer form.  This form is filled out by the transferring instructor, the Training Center needs to complete part of it, and then we need to submit that to their original Training Center.  In most cases this involves multiple emails and phone calls to the original TC for them to forward the instructors records over.

Secondary alignments

When instructors join your Training Site as a secondary alignment, we will still need to receive an application form, signed contract, and a monitor form.  However, we will not issue them a new instructor eCard as that is through their Primary Training Center.

If any of your instructors decide to add a secondary alignment, they must notify you and the Training Center.  Or you can notify the Training Center.  The primary Training Center is ultimately responsible for the actions of an instructor, even if they are teaching under a different Training Center or Training Site.  As such we need to keep track of all secondary alignments.

Please turn in rosters promptly

The Training Center must keep a copy of all rosters issued through the Training Center and Training Sites for 3 years.  Most of you are super awesome at turning rosters in, some of you need reminders.  Please, please, please turn rosters in within 20 days of any classes.

Rosters can be submitted through CPR Enroll or through Dropbox.  If I have not set up a Dropbox link for you, please let me know.  If you need a different method for submitting rosters contact me.

eCard information

All Training Sites have been set up as eCard locations.  If you have TCF in your Training Site and you would like them to have eCard admin privileges, please let me know.  If you are charging your instructors a higher price for eCards than the Training Center charges other instructors (BLS/Heartsaver K-12 $5; Heartsaver $20) please notify us what your charges are.

Instructor Updates

Starting January 9th, we will be holding an Instructor Development Series on Monday nights in-person at the Training Center and on Zoom.  Topics will cover teaching as a small business as wells as tools and resources available to instructors. Schedule of topics will be posted in the December Instructor Newsletter.  If you would like to assist with leading or facilitating a session, please let me know!

Info coming up…

I am setting up a schedule for newsletters and updates for 2023.  A new website for Instructors is also in the works.  The January Newsletter will have our statistics and data for 2022.

Have questions?  Let me know!

Thank you so much for all that you do!

Take care,

Gail Klanchesser

Coastal CPR & First Aid, LLC


December 2022 Training Site Newsletter
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