April 2023 Instructor Newsletter

There are several changes coming up in the next few months!  It’s important that you read this newsletter and complete the update steps.

AHA Atlas is coming!

As mentioned in the previous newsletter – the AHA is migrating next month to a new online web platform – Atlas. This will replace the Instructor Network.  BEFORE this migration we have to update all of our accounts and TC records.  Some of this work needs to be completed by individual instructors, we cannot update this for you.


If you have not done so in the past 2 weeks, please log into your Instructor Network account.

Click on Edit My Profile, it will display your account info.  Is your name spelled correctly?  Is your email address correct?  BTW – this is way your name displays on your class participants eCards. So if it is in all in lower case, or all in upper case, or a nickname/full name when you prefer the other – please edit this.

Click on Personal Info – check that you mailing address and phone number are correct.  If you used your work email and switched jobs, or moved – you must update this.

Click on Alignment.  This is where your Training Center alignment is listed.  For most of you Coastal CPR and First Aid should be listed as your primary BLS alignment.  If we are your secondary alignment we will be listed that way.  If your alignments are not displaying correctly please notify us ASAP.  We have to call the AHA National Engagement Center to edit this.  If you also have a separate ACLS or PALS alignment that will be listed separately.  Note:  If you teach both BLS and Heartsaver, or just Heartsaver, you have 1 BLS alignment. A few of you updating inadvertently created a second account for just Heartsaver – you can only have 1 IN account,  I’ll contact you if I see duplicate entries. 

We are also updating all of our Training Center records.  Please fill out this Google Form so we can ensure we have your correct contact information:  https://forms.gle/fWS5JvGcwLN3eQNy5

Step 2 – Do not enter any classes into the My Courses tool after 5/15/2023

If you do not use the My Courses tool in the Instructor Network this step does not apply to you.

If you do… read on…

DO NOT ENTER CLASSES AFTER 5/15/2023. I believe in effort to clean up a ton of virtual classes spamming the ‘Find a class’ website, the AHA is starting over from scratch.

The AHA has released 3 new Training Updates

Training Memo:  Updated COVID-19 Guidance for Return to Full Skills Training 4-7-2023.  As of 6/1/2023 all COVID-related recommendations have been rescinded.  This includes simulating breaths, separating students, minimizing contact, etc.   We are resuming teaching 2020 Guidelines courses the way we did before the pandemic

Training Memo:  Updated Guidance Virtual Options for AHA Provider Courses 4-7-2023.  As of 6/1/2023 all Heartcode BLS, Heartcode ACLS, and Heartcode PALS courses must be taught in-person.  There can be NO virtual or remote skills sessions for Heartcode classes.  I don’t think most of you were doing these, but sharing the info in case you were.  If you were doing remote or virtual classes for Heartcode please notify us.
NOTE – Virtual or remote Heartsaver skills sessions ARE still allowed and we have specific lesson maps for those in our instructor manuals.  If you are providing virtual or remote Heartsaver skills session please notify us. We have to track these classes.

Training Memo:  Virtual Options for Instructor Renewal and New Instructor Training 4-7-2023.  As of 6/1/2023 all Instructor courses must be in-person and cannot be taught remotely.  Course monitoring of new instructors must be in-person.  Course monitoring for instructors who are renewing can be remote or virtual, but must be live.  We will no longer be allowed to ask instructors to make a video of their course for us to review later.

All of these Training Memos can be found in 2 places on the Instructor Network:
* News and Events > Training Updates
* Tools and Resources > Training Updates

The AHA will be releasing more information and updates most likely over the next few weeks.  We will be sending out information and updating everyone as we hear more.

Other interesting news from Coastal CPR & First Aid…

In addition to our AHA programs, we are also a Licensed Training Provider (LTP) with the American Red Cross, an Health and Safety Institute (HSI) Training Center, a Safe Sitter Site, and we’ve recently become and Emergency Care and Safety Institute (ECSI) Education Center.  If you are interested in any of these programs please let me know.

Spring is here … and summer programs are currently hiring, marketing, and taking registrations for their programs.  Most of these programs will need their staff trained in First Aid CPR AED. This is a good time to reach out to your local recreation departments, youth sports leagues, and summer camps to see if they need training for their summer and coaching staff. This is also a good time to reach out to your local schools (public and private) to schedule any training for late August before school starts.

Do you need EPI trainers for your First Aid classes?  You can get them for FREE here:

Did you know we have a separate private website just for instructors?  Please go www.CoastalTrainingCenter.com and click on Instructor Login to create an account.   All Instructor Newsletters and other instructor update information is being posted there.  It is a work-in-progress at the moment, there will be more information posted to there soon.

Please let us know if you have any questions!  Thank you for all that you do!

April 2023 Instructor Newsletter

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