May Instructor Newsletter

The Atlas Migration Newsletter!  Lots of updates from the AHA and some training opportunities

AHA Atlas Migration Timeline

All AHA Atlas Updates are posted here:

Timeline of what is happening next:
Wednesday 5/31 – AHA Instructor Network will go down at 9 pm CDT (10 pm EDT) for approximately 5 hours. You will have no access to the IN and students cannot claim eCards while the site is down.
Thursday 6/1 – Friday 6/2 – AHA Instructor will be in read-only mode.  You can log in, but you cannot download anything or issue eCards.  Students will not be able to claim eCards.
Saturday 6/3- Monday 6/5 – The AHA Instructor Network will be down.
Monday 6/5 Atlas will go live in the morning.

Changes with eCards

The AHA is discontinuing eCard locations and creating a more robust platform to recognize Training Sites. To do this they have to remove all eCard locations.  This will impact instructors who have received eCards from a Training Site or eCard Location.

Instructors with inventory issued by the Training Center
Instructors should take a screenshot of their inventory on Tuesday 5/30 and email that to us at  Please make sure you have issued any student eCards before doing so.  Instructor inventory should transfer over to Atlas, but having a copy of what is in your inventory may be helpful.

Instructors with inventory issued by a Training Site or eCard Location
Instructors should take a screenshot of their inventory on Tuesday 5/30 no later than 9 am and email that to us at  Please make sure you have issued any student eCards before doing so.  Your inventory will NOT be transferred over and your eCards will be reclaimed by the Training Center.  I have been in contact with your eCard location on how we’ll track your eCards and getting them reissued back to you.

Training Sites and eCard Locations
The eCard Admin should take a screenshot of their inventory on Tuesday 5/30 no later than 9 am and email that to us at  Also download/screenshot any inventory of your instructors.  Please make sure you have issued any student eCards before doing so.  Your inventory will NOT be transferred over and your eCards will be reclaimed by the Training Center.  I believe I have contacted all eCard locations with inventory to go over this. But if I have not contacted you please email me at

What will Atlas be like?

Honestly, the AHA has not given us a lot of information.

However information is slowly being posted on the Atlas Information and Update page at

We are slowly receiving information via webinars.  The first webinar a few days ago described Atlas as a Roles and Permissions system.  Instructors and users are defined in roles, which then has a default set of permissions on what they can do in Atlas.  We are able to customize these default permissions by role or by individual.

It looks like the dashboard will have blocks for tasks – the AHA is calling them cards.  So it will look less like a webpage and more like a workspace.

I’ll be posting updates in our Instructor website at – just click on the login button and sign up for the private instructor site.

Training Opportunities

We’re receiving a lot more requests for classes, and several are from business and organizations wanting to train in larger groups.  If you would be interested in helping out with larger on-site classes please let us know!  We are also hiring instructors to teach at the Training Center in Hampton, NH.

In addition to AHA courses, we have expanded to add American Red Cross (ARC), Health and Safety Institute (HSI), Emergency Care and Safety Institute (ECSI), and Safe Sitter.  If you are interesting in teaching these programs please let me know.  We can set you up with a bridge course or online training to add these certifications.

Please let us know if you have any questions!  Thank you all for all that you do!

May 2023 Instructor Newsletter
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