October is Sudden Cardiac Awareness Month

Have you done anything to celebrate Sudden Cardiac Awareness Month or World Restart a Heart Day?  Feel free to send us a pic or share a link.  We’ll share it on our Facebook page (www.fb.com/coastalcpr) or in an upcoming newsletter.

First Aid Guidelines update coming in November

Last month I attended the AHA National Training Network Conference.  They announced a joint AHA/ARC Guidelines for First Aid release coming on November 14th.   There will also be a joint AHA/AAP focused update on drowning released on November 12th. What is coming?  Sadly I have no details to share. We’ll all have to wait for the release next month.

Last week I forwarded an email with links to sign up for webinars on both topics. If you did not receive the email please let me know so I can resend it to you.  (gail@coastalcpr.com)

AHA National Training Network Conference September 2024

Last month I attended the AHA National Training Network Conference.  The majority of the sessions were peer-to-peer, presented by other Instructors.  I attended sessions on AHA Compliance, the Role of Training Faculty, BLS Live, Best Practices for Mentoring Instructors, Training Center Management, Best Practices for Training Faculty and Elevating your Instructor Essentials Classes.  I was honored to co-present a session on Best Practices for your Instructional Business.

The AHA had a general session where they spoke on their ‘Training a National of Bystanders to become Lifesavers’ campaign and their focus for the upcoming year.

Some topics were repeated in different sessions, like Instructor Renewals and the roles of Training Faculty.  These are things we will be looking at to see if our processes and requirements are on task if we need to make changes, or are there improvements we can make to support Instructors and Training Faculty better.

Atlas Updates

Atlas was updated a few days ago, and no surprise – there have been glitches and problems. Everyone will need to log into Atlas and check for problems or notifications on their dashboard.

Before logging into Atlas you will need to clear the cookies on your browser.  Doing this first will allow you to log in.  Please check your dashboard for any notifications.

Issues we’re seeing:

  • Unable to view dashboard.  Try clicking on your name on the top right and dashboard in the dropdown.  If that does not work please email me or call AHA Tech Support 877-242-4277.
  • Instructors unaligned – this is not new to this week’s release.  Randomly some instructors have been unaligned.  I have sent out alignment requests and will follow up with emails this week.  Please accept the alignment request I have sent you.
  • Class manager not displaying classes you have entered.  Please check your classes if you are using class manager to post classes.
  • Instructor bio (used for Class Manager) may have disappeared.  Please add it and include your contact information for students in the bio.
  • Rumor – phone number have been added?!  We have not received any registrations through Atlas since the release so I have not seen a registration to confirm.

Updated how-to guides can be found at https://cpr.heart.org/en/private/atlas-information-and-resources

Using My TA System

We have discontinued using CPR Enroll for submitting rosters.  Most Training Center Instructors should now be using My TA System to submit rosters and to purchase eCards.  My TA System can also be used to take registations

If you are under a Training Site you may be using a different system and you can disregard this section of the newsletter.

If you’re not sure if you should be using My TA System or something different, feel free to email.

We will be holding 2 Zoom sessions to go over how to enter in rosters, upload documentation, enter students, and how to purchase eCards. If you have questions, please feel free to join us.

Thursday 11/7 12 pm EST (live at the TC in Hampton, NH and on Zoom)
Thursday 11/7 7 pm EST (Zoom only)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 419 568 3556
Passcode: 313542

Feel free to email any questions you may have.  If you can’t attend on Nov 7th but have questions please contact me (gail@coastalcpr.com) and we can schedule a time to talk or Zoom.

What can we do to support you more?  Please email Gail at gail@coastalcpr.com.
Thank you for all that you do!
October 2024 Instructor Newsletter
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