January Instructor Newsletter

Welcome 2022!  New year, new ideas!  We’re looking at ways to keep improving our Training Center.  If you have ideas on ways we can improve or things to add please let us know!

2022 Annual Instructor Membership Fee is due this month

As an entrepreneurial Training Center there are costs to keep things running.  One thing I learned when doing research when our previous Training Center closed, some places charge a lot of fees.  Fortunately, we don’t.  There is the cost of the cards and an annual fee that pretty much covers everything else.  This includes your instructor renewal and your instructor eCard.  The fee for 2022 is $20 per instructor.

This can be paid by logging into CPR Enroll (https://dashboard.cprenroll.com).  Click on IG Products on the left menu.  You can pay this online.  If you prefer to mail a check, please send it to Coastal CPR & First Aid, 861 Lafayette Rd #7, Hampton, NH 03842.  Please make the check out to Coastal CPR and First Aid.  Please submit your annual membership fee by 1/31/2022.

Instructor Renewals

Quite a few of you are due to renew your instructor status.  The AHA has some updates on how instructor renewals should be done, and we wanted to let everyone know what the process will be.  There are several steps to your renewal:

  • Instructors are normally required to teach 4 courses over 2 years. With the pandemic the AHA has lowered that to 2 classes over 2 years. If you have not taught at all, please contact Gail or Rick.  We can help you out with this.
  • There are 2 forms to complete, one is an AHA Instructor Renewal Form and the other is a Course Monitoring form. You fill out one, we fill out the other, and we both read/sign the forms.
  • Rick or I will monitor one of your classes. This will allow us to ensure that all guidelines are being met and it gives us a chance to catch up with you.
  • Instructors will complete a discipline specific AHA exam (BLS or Heartsaver).

Please check the recommended renewal date on your eCard.  If your card has lapsed, you should have received an email from Gail.  If you have not received an email from her, please contact her ASAP.  If your recommended renewal date is only a few months away, please contact Gail or Rick and we’ll get the renewal process started.  If you need a provider card separate from your instructor card let us know so that we can issue both to you.

Know someone who would like to become an instructor?  We’re holding instructor courses every month.  Here are the links:

Our instructor course are held in-person (not remote or over Zoom) at our classroom in Hampton.

Do you have your 2020 Guidelines Training Materials?  I know I’ve mentioned this before, but if you haven’t been teaching you might not have purchased the new 2020 materials.  At this point everyone should have purchased their 2020 videos and instructor manuals.

Reminder – we get discounts shopping at WorldPoint and AED Superstore.  Please contact Gail to set up a discount account.

AHA Webinars

The AHA holds monthly webinars on Blended Learning.  If you have not tried blended learning and skills session this is a great way to find out about them.  I know this is short notice, but there is one tomorrow:

Please join us for the AHA Take Your Training to the Next Level – AHA Blended & eLearning Webinar


Date and Time: Thursday, January 27, 2022 11:00 am, Central

Event number: 2662 453 1197
Event password: DgkSm3GTA84

Event address for attendees: https://heart.webex.com/heart/onstage/g.php?MTID=e792d8c083c3b61da66a0ba4d26b18a42

If you can’t attend this webinar but would like to learn more about how you can use blended learning, hold skills sessions, issue course links, or use Training Central (free AHA platform for issuing course links) please contact Gail.

There is an upcoming webinar on 2/3/22 that I think is super important to anyone teaching Heartsaver courses and I have this in bold so you don’t skip the info I am going to provide here.  When teaching Heartsaver you may have noticed all the information in the instructor manual and on the videos about Pathways.  For learners using blended learning this has been SUPER CONFUSING For instructors there are several options to select or not when teaching a class!  The AHA has a webinar coming up in February to explain/discuss this and if you are teaching Heartsaver I strongly encourage you to register and attend this free webinar.

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.

When: Feb 3, 2022 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Topic: Heartsaver Frequently Asked Questions

Register in advance for this webinar:


ACLS and PALS are coming to the Training Center.  We are setting up ACLS and PALS classes in conjunction with an ACLS/PALS Training Site.  This is one of the first steps towards potentially adding these discipline.  There are very few ACLS/PALS classes offered in the Seacoast area, and this is another way to help provide local training to our communities.  If you are currently an ACLS or PALS Provider and need to renew feel free to take your next class with us!

Would you like to be a Training Center Faculty Member?  The AHA requires that we have a ratio of Training Center Faculty to the number of instructors aligned with the Training Center.  As we have grown, our need for Training Center Faculty has increased.  We are looking for instructors who would like to volunteer for this role.  I’m sure you’re wondering… what does this mean? What do faculty do?  Here’s what involved:

  • Training Center Faculty (TCF) help mentor instructors.  They provide support as needed.
  • TCF can be BLS or Heartsaver Instructors.  We should have TCF in more than 1 discipline.
  • There is a TCF handbook and training session.
  • TCF can teach instructor courses.  Instructor courses will need to be approved by the TC (Rick or I) first.
  • TCF can support the TC with Instructor Monitoring sessions, which is a compensated position.
  • TCF can be designated as eCard admins to issue eCards on behalf of the TC and for their own classes.

If you would like more information or to become a TCF please contact Gail.

Do you want to teach more classes?  I am looking at expanding the number of classes taught at the Training Center classroom in Hampton.  I also occasionally receive requests to provide outside classes and can’t fit them into my schedule, or it’s a large group and we’d need 2-3 instructors. I’m making a list of who would like to teach at the Training Center or would like to be contacted for outside classes.  If you’d like to be on these lists, please let me know.

Have questions?  I know some of you have not been able to teach very much, if at all, over the past few years. If you have a question, want to watch a class to see what the new 2020 materials look like (Heartsaver is very different now!), need to borrow equipment, or maybe you’d like to sit through an instructor course as a refresher.  Perhaps you’d like help with the Instructor Network, setting up blended learning, or using CPR Enroll – please let Gail or Rick know.  We’re here to help you continue to teach the awesome classes that you do!




January 2022 Instructor Newsletter
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