May Instructor Newsletter
May is Stroke Awareness Month! It’s also Mental Health Awareness Month and National Wildfire Awareness Month. May also hosts Teacher Appreciation week (1st week), National Nurses Week (2nd week), and National EMS Week (3rd week) this week! Honestly this encompasses most of us! Thank you all for all that you do, we couldn’t be doing the good work we’re doing without all of you!
SAVE THE DATE! We have scheduled a new product demo at the Training Center on Wednesday May 25th from 4-6 pm with WorldPoint! This is both an in-person and Zoom event.
I have sent the official WorldPoint Eventbrite invite out last week. If you did NOT receive it, please let us know! I’m super excited to host this and look forward to learning more and seeing everyone!! If you did not RSVP please do so! Please come if you can, even if it is for only 10 minutes. There will be demos, swag, and food!!!
WorldPoint will be emailing out the Zoom link to all who RSVP’s that they are attending remotely on the morning of the 25th. If you do not RSVP – you will not receive the link!
RSVP here:
You can view their new manikins here: password is WPP
Do you need to borrow or purchase more training equipment?
We have received a donation from our previous TC of equipment, and we are making up kits to lend out to instructors who may need equipment. We have also purchased some used equipment from instructors who have retired. Please let Gail know if you need to borrow equipment or if you are looking to purchase more.
Meanwhile … use our TC discount at WorldPoint if you are looking to purchase equipment! If you have not linked your WorldPoint account to our TC account, please contact Gail to get this set up.
Do you need Epinephrine Trainers?
Did you know there are other brands of Epinephrine injectors besides the Epi-Pen? You can get these trainers for free from their manufacturer by calling them or filling out a webform. Here’s the info on how to get trainers for free:
- Epi-Pen: call them at 800-796-9526
- Auvi-Q: fill out a webform at
- Teva: email them at
- Adrenaclick/generic: fill out a webform at or call them at 855-374-6374
Would you like to offer Babysitting classes?
I’ve been teaching Babysitting for years. It’s a fun class and with Recreation and Library programs opening to full capacity and parents returning to work, there is a huge demand for babysitting training. This is a great program to offer in your communities and organizations.
I have been teaching through the ASHI Child and Babysitting Safety Program. However, I have been researching the Safe Sitter Program and it looks pretty good. To teach the ASHI program you would have to bridge to become an ASHI Instructor. With Safe Sitter we can purchase the course materials to lend out and each instructor would need to complete an online training program with Safe Sitter. Safe Sitter has a babysitting course, stay safe at home alone course, and they are launching a program for grandparents. Before I set up a program with Safe Sitter, I’d like to determine who would like to teach this. If you’d like to offer any of their courses, please email Gail and let her know so that we can determine how much to purchase and to set up training.
Previously recorded AHA webinars
4/27/22 100% Virtual Training with Heartsaver.
Attached is the power point presentation and the recording link is below. Remember, you need to enter the passcode exactly as is- no spaces- to get into the webinar.
Passcode: FhC6g3m?
Upcoming AHA webinars
When: May 19, 2022 01:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: BLS Instructor Led Skills Best Practices
Register in advance for this webinar: (US West) (US East)
Meeting ID: 859 9106 2828
Passcode: 002169
Passcode: 002169
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Instructor Updates
Monthly or bi-monthly we’ll be holding Instructor Updates. These will be in-person and on Zoom. I am looking for suggestions for topics and anyone wanting to lead an update.
May’s instructor update is our WorldPoint manikin demo on Wed 5/25. We have asked that they bring any additional equipment that instructors may be interested in.
On Tuesday June 14th we’ll be live at 6 pm EDT for a Heartsaver Update! Do you teach Heartsaver? Have you found all the options and pathways confusing? Has the new 3-page roster been a headache? We’ll go over Heartsaver in a 1-hour in-person and Zoom session
Have questions? Let us know!
Thank you so much for all that you do!
Take care,
Gail Klanchesser & Rick Murphy
Coastal CPR & First Aid, LLC