May Instructor Newsletter May is Stroke Awareness Month! It’s also Mental Health Awareness Month and National Wildfire Awareness Month. May also hosts Teacher Appreciation week (1st week), National Nurses Week (2nd week), and National EMS Week (3rd week) this week!
April 2022 Instructor Newsletter
April Instructor Newsletter April is National Volunteer Month! Do you volunteer? I’m sure we all do in many different capacities. Thank you for all that you do! Lots of stuff coming up!!! SAVE THE DATE! We have scheduled a new product
March 2022 Instructor Newsletter
March Instructor Newsletter Welcome Spring! This newsletter has a lot of links for AHA webinars as well as some training information. Previously recorded AHA webinars HeartCode and Heartsaver Can IMPACT Your Business! Brought to you by the American Heart Association
January 2022 Instructor Newsletter
January Instructor Newsletter Welcome 2022! New year, new ideas! We’re looking at ways to keep improving our Training Center. If you have ideas on ways we can improve or things to add please let us know! 2022 Annual Instructor Membership